Welcome and thank you for your interest in Foothill Youth Baseball Association!
Following is information for those new to youth baseball including information about time commitment, equipment and costs.
We hope you find it helpful as you consider the benefits of youth baseball for your child or children!
What's the difference between your fall and spring sessions?
FYBA has two seasons: spring and fall. The spring season is the more competitive of the two, while the fall season tends to focus on player development. The fall is particularly well suited for those players who may be new to baseball or who are looking to sharpen their skills. Some of the differences between the two seasons are outlined below:
More competitive with higher numbers of teams and players
Longer season with more games and practices (Early April-early June)
Post-season features All Stars competitions
Focused on player development
Shorter season (early September-October)
Ideal opportunity for new players
Both seasons focus on teamwork, skill building and having fun playing baseball!
What's the time commitment as a parent for a new Machine Pitch, Minors or Majors player?
Machine Pitch (Rookie), Minors and Majors divisions:
1 practice per week / 2 hours on average
2 games per week / 2 hours per game on average
1 practice and 1 game per week
How many practices and games per week can I expect and on what days of the week are they scheduled?
Games and practices are typically held during the week, with practices sometimes held on Saturdays.
Week night games start at 6pm
Week day practices start at either 4pm or 6pm
Is this a competitive league? What kind of pressure will be placed on my child to win? Do you keep score and standings?
FYBA is a recreational league (as opposed to a competitive league). Focus is always on the development of FUNdamental skills, learning about baseball, teamwork and having fun!
Score keeping and standings are part of the experience and learning environment but are not used to stimulate a purely competitive focus.
What is the cost to register to play?
Registration fees for Spring 2024
T-ball - $90
Machine Pitch - $125
Minors - $175
Majors - $175
Registration fees are used to cover the direct cost of running the league including rental fees for fields, uniforms, registration software, equipment and umpires.
Player registrations include jerseys, pants, hats and socks for spring ball and jerseys and hats for fall ball.
What kind of vetting do your coaches go through?
All coaches or on-the-field adult volunteers (assistant coaches) must pass a background check and interview with the league president.
How much should I expect to spend on equipment for my player and what equipment is required / suggested at each level?
The league provides bats, balls, field equipment like bases, catching-specific equipment and batting helmets.
Players are expected to supply the following equipment for all divisions:
Glove ($25 - $40)
Plastic cleated shoes ($25 - $40) (soccer cleats are fine)
Protective cup for boys, especially catchers ($15 - $25)
Baseball pants ($20 - $30) (Gray in color. Athletic pants are fine; just no shorts are allowed)
Baseball helmet recommended ($20 - $30) (The league does have helmets to lend to those who don't want to buy)
Please contact us at foothillbaseballslc@gmail.com (or your coach once the season starts) with any questions about equipment.
Do I need to practice with my player and if so, is there information about how I can help practice at home?
Thank you for asking! The number one activity that parents can do to help their children learn to enjoy baseball and build skills is a simple 15 minute session playing catch! Your coach will be happy to help you with the basics for playing catch to maximize fun and results.
You can also purchase a baseball T and ball for those younger kids just starting out. This will help them build hand-eye coordination.
What is included in the registration fee? Are uniforms included?
Registration fees are used to cover the direct cost of running the league including rental fees for fields, uniforms, registration system, equipment and umpires.
Yes, uniforms are included! Player registrations include jerseys, pants, hats and socks for spring ball and jerseys and hats for fall ball.
What if we have to miss a week during the season for a family obligation?
We understand that families may have conflicting commitments and just ask that you communicate with your coach regarding your child's schedule.
What are the benefits of having my child play baseball? What do they learn?
You won't have to look far to find articles and research supporting the health benefits of kids participating in team sports and more specifically youth baseball. We've included links to a few articles below to provide the highlights.
How many kid are on a team and can my child play with his friends?
Teams generally have between 10 - 12 players with the potential for smaller teams for younger divisions.
A request can be made on our registration form if your child would like to play with his friends. We just ask parents to keep in mind that the league tries to balance our teams so that teams are evenly matched which helps with player enjoyment and confidence building. This may influence how players are assigned to teams.
What would be the process if I wanted to coach or be an assistant coach for my child's team? What's the time commitment and level of experience needed?
For parents who are interested in coaching, please contact us at Foothill Baseball for more information. No former coaching experience is required, and we are happy to provide training for interested parents.
Regarding time commitment, coaches on average, spend an extra 1 to 2 hours a week on coaching specific tasks in addition to practices and games.
Is there help financially if the registration fee would be a financial burden?
Yes! No kid will be turned away for lack of funds. We want any kid who wants to play to play, so please contact us and we will make arrangements for help with the registration and/or equipment.
Are there ways to volunteer that don't involve coaching?
Yes! The league relies heavily on volunteers and we welcome interested parties. For information about opportunities, please visit https://foothillbaseball.sportngin.com/page/show/8351707-volunteer.
Thank you again for your interest in Foothill Youth Baseball.
We would welcome the chance to speak with you to answer additional questions about your own situation.
Please email us at info@foothillbaseball.com!